Tae - To jump, fly and kick with the foot. Kwon- Denotes the fist, chiefly to smash or destroy with the hand or fist. Do - The art or the way.
2. How does a student produce sine wave?
A student produces sine wave with a 'down' 'up' 'down' motion by producing knee spring while advancing forward, backward, side to side or from a stationary position during and attack or defence.
3. Explain the difference between full facing, half facing and side facing.
Full Facing: The chest, hips and are facing directly toward the opponent. The allows for maximum mass when blocking or defending. Half Facing: The chest is angled 25 degrees with the front shoulder slightly lower than the back shoulder. This is a natural position primarily used for blocking. Side Facing: The facing is the same as full facing, however the head is turned to the side. This facing is also used for attack and defence and is used for maximum stability from a side attack or defence. The main difference between all facing postures would be the angle of the chest and the direction or angle in which the attack or defence is being administered.
4. What is the purpose of a walking stance?
The purpose of a walking stance is balance and stability. A walking stance is one and one half shoulder widths from the tip of the toe to the tip of the toe and one shoulder width wide. The weight distribution is 50/50.
5. What constitutes a reverse technique?
The weight distribution of your stance will determine whether or not the your hand technique is reverse or obverse. For example: In a right L-Stance, 70% of the weight is on your right foot, giving it the name 'Right L-Stance'. If you are performing a middle punch with your left hand, then the name of the punch will be a 'reverse' punch. If you are performing a middle punch with your right hand, then the name of the punch will be a 'obverse' punch.
If you are in a stance that has 50/50 weight distribution such as a walking stance, which ever foot is forward will determine the name of the stance. Therefore, if your left foot is forward in a walking stance, then the name of the stance will be 'left walking stance'. If you are performing a middle punch with your left hand in a left walking stance, then the name of the punch is 'obverse' punch. If you are punching with your right hand, then the name of the punch is 'reverse' punch.
6. Explain an L-Stance.
The feet form an 'L' shape. The front and rear foot tilt inward about 15 degrees. The big toe of the front foot lines up the the heel of the back foot. This would create a 2.5 cm gap between the feet if the front foot pointed straight. The stance is one and one half shoulder widths from tip of the front toe to the foot sword of the rear foot. The weight distribution is 70% on the rear leg and 30% on the front leg. The weight distribution of the stance determines the name of the stance. For example, if 70% of the weight is on the right foot, then the stance is named a 'right L- stance'. The knee of the rear leg is directly above the toes and the hip is aligned with the inner knee joint. The knee of the front leg is aligned with the heel of the front foot and the body is kept vertical. The body is always half facing in this stance.
7. What is the difference between Continuous and Connecting motion?
Continuous motion means two or more techniques are linked together with a continuous breath. The breath is not stopped until the last technique.
Connecting motion means to connect two techniques with one breath and one sine wave. This is only used when the first technique is performed in a natural motion and the second technique is performed sharply as in the patterns Yul-Gok.
The Fixed Stance is similar to the L-Stance. The feet form an 'L' shape. The front and rear foot tilt inward about 15 degrees. The big toe of the front foot lines up the the heel of the back foot. This would create a 2.5 cm gap between the feet if the front foot pointed straight. The stance is one and one half shoulder widths from tip of the big toe of the front foot to the big toe of the back foot. This would make the Fixed Stance about one width of your foot longer than an L-Stance. The weight distribution is 50/50. The knee of the rear leg is slightly further in from the line above the toe and the hip is aligned with the inner knee joint. The knee of the front leg is aligned with the heel of the front foot and the body is kept vertical. The front leg will determine the name of the stance. The body is always half facing in this stance.
10. Name the 3 vertical and horizontal lines of the body.
Vertical lines - Chest Lines, Centre Lines and Shoulder Lines. Horizontal Lines - Low Section, Middle Section and High Section.